D I D (Dissociative Identity Disorder) - project found by Hania Piosik - artist experimenter researching dream realm through sound, vision, travel and literature. Embracing human being with full spectrum of his elements by enchanting phenomena adequate to human nature and existence but often socially discredited.

Since over 15 years collaborating with artists of various music and art genere. Cooperating with Cultural institutions like Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Austrian Forum of Culture, Goethe Institut or Copernicus Science Centre. Took part in international art festivals (i.a. Warsaw Autumn- International Festival of Contemporary Music, Radiophrenia(UK), Soundrive Festival, TRANSITIONS FESTIVAL, Garbicz Festival(DE), hacklabs and art residencies (i.a. WISP LABORATORY/Zimmt Leipzig, Ortsgespraeche/Goethe Institut Berlin and Warsaw).

Her main passion is searching for sound anomalies that influence (“stops”) the passing time and by using authorial composition techniques, supporting her audience in entering a meditative state. Author of project using EEG device to show by visual representation in real time the meditative influence of certain compositions and mix/master technique. Author of audiobook written by invitation of Ministry of Culture and National Herritage [2020], Master of Psychological Studies, with master degree based on

own audience’s experience and review, researching hypothesis that “Music is a universal language of emotions” [2016]



29/06 Bangkok Art and Culture Centre // A/V Premiere




 is an audio-visual tale based on artists narrative retrospective view on process of change, where boundaries of time and place of action are bleared within different realms of one’s existence. Dream realm brings symbolic tissues which investigation and recognition may lead us to important hints and answers that can be a useful guide in our reality and a unique compass on one’s path to self- acceptance and evolution of „I”.

RELEASING SPIRITS is a 3rd part of EOX trilogy, investigating the reason of fear in our existence; as a tool of change (if positive) and as well as a device of suppression & control (negative).

[EOX – “End of Xibalba” / Xibalba in Mayan mythology is an underwater world of fear and pain/ ]

According to artists observations and hypothesis- change may appear in our inner life just when we release the scales of past processes, through observation and understanding in a way to make a space for new experiences.

D I D creates us a unique sphere of authorial meditative music and movie, within which we can observe our own cycles of change.

More : https://en.bacc.or.th/event/3602.html

In the beginning there was a great chaos. Chaos of thoughts, feelings related to war, a sense of injustice and harm that happens to people like us, a sense of helplessness - because you want to help with all your strength, but after two years with covid on your back, the resources of tools to help do not seem so wide - so in the very center the contrast between what I want and what I can gurgled incessantly. The chaos stopped building up when I finally decided to stop struggling inside and let my body begin to act as the inside says ...


Whether they exist or not, I leave it to each of you to consider at your own discretion. However something in a miracle-shape started to look from behind the dust of chaos, when listening to the center, I started calling people who were brought by the flow of thoughts, step by step filling in the fragments of pictures that appeared in front of my eyes. (The picture you see above- 1: 1- is one of them). Exactly this image hung in the imagination 2 months before its implementation - and if I followed the critical thinking that said something like: "cool, but where will you find the desert? You live in the west of Poland and you will not be transporting people several hundred kilometers and then tormenting them in full sun for 3 days, people who have just passed their struggles alredy ... "- if I had listened to any voices of this type, none of these pictures would probably have been created. I followed my heart and found Marta.

Marta Karmowska is a great actress and - what I did not know before - a wonderful single Mom. The fact that this strength, with the pure essence of love at the forefront, is able to get us out of every swamp - I saw in Martha's eyes. I saw that she felt this power fully under her skin many times. Like these women, Ania and Tanja who suddenly came to us from far away with their kidows. She felt this power at all times when she created reality from the elements of the impossible. And at that moment I also felt that there there are many processes, mistakes, joys, tippers and triggers, laughter moments ahead, from which there is still a stream of new thoughts, feelings and notes coming up, like:

  • Focusing on what we can and forgetting what we cannot
  • If I can help anyhow, then it’s only by accompanying someone on the way, learning at the same time from shared moments
  • No matter what someone says, looks like, we are exactly the same ‘thing’just located in a different "time"
  • That it is always worth telling yourself to stop (if we feel that it is not our direction, when something is creasing inside) and choose a different course.
  • Only inside you there is the answer to your question (which does not mean that you need to separate yourself from the outside world - on the contrary, the whole outside world is one big - sometimes quite bent, but still - surface of the mirror and that theres no reason and nowhere to run away from it)

I will write about Marta, Ania, Tanya, Sonia and the process of creating the clip in subsequent posts, until the premiere, because on the one hand, it may lighten our actions a bit, and on the other, it maybe will encourage you, dear reader, to weave own space from yet unknown elements - what after this journey- I definitely recommend : )




+48 572 581 031


Summer Contrast
Launch Party

Date: 05.02.2022
Location: Warsaw

Polish National Radio

Date: 20.11.2021
Concert: Polskiego Radia

Wroclaw Industrial Festival

Date: 06.11.2021
Location: Wroclaw

Warsaw Autumn Festival

Date: 17.09.2021
Location: Warsaw

Summer Contrast

Date: 04.08.2021
Location: Swidwin

Energia Dzwieku

Date: 28.11.2020
Online Concert



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Meditation meetings based on reading aloud, combined with an audiovisual session and the use of authorial compositions for relaxation / meditation. Come with your favorite book or the one you would like to share with others. Backup copies will also be available to grab from our box- who knows, maybe you will find the words you need at the moment? In a space equipped with a "peaceful" atmosphere (blankets, pillows), we will lie down comfortably, drink hot tea, read aloud to each other and share our thoughts. The meeting will end with a meditative sound session (AUDIOLEVITATION).

Go to Project Page




Merch I

Head & Bag

Fan II B



© Hania Piosik - Imprint